

Democracy is a system of government for the common people.  But it has other meanings in political theory.  Democracy is also one of the values ​​that all human beings must embrace and express in their daily life. We need to create the conditions for these values ​​to emerge in the minds of children.  Such values ​​are essential in social life.  The child must recognize the interrelationship and commitment between governance as democracy and as a  way of life. 

Little Flower Convent High School always maintaining a social environment that recognise and respect governance, equality, freedom, co-operation, human values, fraternity, etc. Democratic values ​​should be a part of individual life.  After adolescence, the personality of the student also matures.  A generation that does not properly embrace democratic values ​​will be a challenge to future society.We need to create the conditions for these values ​​to emerge in the minds of children, and such values ​​are a must in social life.  It is important to recognize that democracy is a form of government and democracy is a way of life.  For democracy to succeed as an ideology, democratic values ​​need to be deeply ingrained in society. Our school always try to impart democratic values through school parliament, value education classes, and also through democratic type of school activities....